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This is me! :3
Not everyone introduces themselves by proclaiming they're a assburglar, furry and weeb. But you do.
>>43070 Tags exists for a reason, dude.
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Turbocharged PC, what do you think?
>>42803 neat. They are using an electric motor rather than exhaust gas to drive the compressor.
dude your pc is not even stanced subbie life! why one snail when you can twin turbo bro is your diff even locked, scrub wanna touge, bro, down this mountain i pay twice the premium for my insurance because they know i'm going to be in a ditch soon
>>42819 I'll quad turbo it like an EB110 if you really want me to
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â—¢ â—¥ â—¤ â—¥ â–¸ â—‚
>>43071 No turbo, no interest
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Happy Halloween chubs, Lets make a spooky thread.
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>>43067 very spooky
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Do you guys think we are born with a fetish for certain things? Like some people like feet, some are into scat and piss and vomit, some are into dead bodies and some are into zoophilia and some are pedos. What about sexuality? Do you think everyone is already attracted to a certain sex or both?
>>43055 Honestly, it's a bit of both. Both biology and psychology have a lot to do with sexual preferences. For example, we know now that homosexuality has very little to do with environment. All fetuses start out female and require certain hormones during prenatal development to further develop into a male. When the fetus receives the proper amount of hormones whilst developing, the ovaries descend into the labia majora, which then fuse together to form testes and the fetus develops into a male. This is also why men have secondary sex characteristics like nipples. Certain developmental hormones are also needed to wire the female brain into a male brain (males and Females are biologically different, as are their brains, suck it SJWs). However, some things can impede this hormonal dosage, so you get what is a male body with a female wired brain, which results in homosexuality and attraction to the same sex. Various levels of developmental hormones introduced too late or in insufficient quantities can result in homosexuality, transgenderism and everything in between. In regards to certain fetishes, I'd say that having an attraction to feet, for example, is more psychological than physiological, however we can safely assume that people who are gay were in all likelihood born that way.
Embed: 1431659521925.webm–(2.33MB, 1280x720, 0:16, 1410560463317.webm) Tagged:, History
ITT: Post fond memories you have of this place and funny shit that was forgotten in time heres mine >>24477 straybullets fine ass wife
>>42462 I did that too
>>42454 when moshi actually DID his draw threads >>21865
>>42496 He's back! >>42509
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Am I an "oldfag" yet ?
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Why is this place so very lonely? I feel like there is a good community but then no one says a damn thing. Where are you all?
Please please kill yourself
nobody wants to contribute. i imagine people just have forgotten mostly it exists...much like myself. i get busy and forget about things like the internet. but i still love my chubs.
>>42961 What is a chub?
>>42964 buttplug
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>>42761 I kept getting BS bans and reported by the mods. even had a 20 yr ban at one time. I feel your pain OP :((DONT MAKE IT 20 MORE)
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What are your thoughts on eugenics?
it should be done. but with a carrot not a stick. >people with the right combination of poor education, poor work record and criminal record or given cash rewards for being sterilised >mothers declared unfit for extended periods of time lose their welfare until they get their tubes tied >free genetic testing and more cash rewards for people with fucked genes >public non profit sperm and egg bank
the bell IQ graph proves that blacks whites and asians are clearly different If I had to guess, I would say that Africans developed to be stronger, and to be more primal in instinct, given their habitat. When you have an equal chance to live or die any given day, you don't really care about astronomy or math
>>42902 One thing about eugenics is that if it were in effect, most of us here wouldn't be allowed to reproduce lol.
Pretty cool. If I ever decide by some unfortunate circumstance to have children; the whole process of conception will occur either via a chosen donor or in vitro (I haven't looked deeply into it but you get the idea) with specific heritage, family history etc. >tfw shit genes
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hey guys, so i need some help. I've been trying to get my youtube back to what it sorta was. It feels fucking impossible do you guys think it could be because of my name on there? I got by Tyler's Toybox on youtube, a friend of mine said it sounds homoerotic. asked if my page ever gets hit up by gay men. Not in like a year or so. However, I was thinking of making it Tarrabyte which is my main name, and I'm sure a few of you guys already know my work on soundcloud. It's my other option and I feel like Tarrabyte or Tyler's toybox sounds more professional compared to a lot of the youtubers I run into. What do you guys think? I'm trying to take what advice I can. So... Thoughts?
>>43031 ive not tried to merge since my name change from Toybox to Tarrabyte. Everything but Instagram is now Tarrabyte. so if you googled me, I should pop up. The down side is that the person using her instagram as Tarrabyte actually is a play on words with her real name. I am going to follow her in hopes she lets me name change and explain my reason. she had a kind smile in her picture. so it didn't seem like the "go eat shit smile" who knows. I really hope I can get it. All else fails, I'll pull a deadmau5 and do Tarrabyt3 or something... idk
>>43033 Kids these days use underscores or full stops in their names so they don't have to compromise the word. E.g. my Instagram, ___koga. Though you probably won't need as many as three, if you pull a .tarrabyte or do what you've done on here and stick a file extension on the end, it should be all good.
>>43034 not many people get why i do a file ext tbh but it has been a thought
>>43035 I'm going to assume it's because you're an executable file and not a real person, but an AI.
>>43037 Megaman NT Warrior!
File: 1439276689221.png–(71.96KB, 1920x800, buscemi2.png) Tagged: U.S.A., Politics
Who are you voting for next November, fellow American patriots? Sand Snatch Hillary "Campaigning Since Conception" Clinton? Mememaster Bernie "Communist" Sanders? Donald "As Seen on TV" Trump? Marco "Look Guys! I'm One of You!" Rubio? Jeb "Submit to the All Powerful Family" Bush? Scott "Seriously Don't Fucking Vote For Scott Walker" Walker? I'm all for Sanders right now, largely because everyone else is unbearable
>>42854 Hillary Just picking the lesser of the evils, at least she'll have bill "stinky pinky" Clinton behind her
The lesser of the evils is obviously sanders. because he isn't evil and in his 35+ years of politics having never using a slander ad shows it very well right there.
>>42883 Socialism is just a less radical and less violent form of communism. The USA needs to fix its nanny-state, and Bernie will only continue to enable that. 50& of all Americans don't pay taxes, and all of Bernies policies requires tax hikes.
>>42989 Communism was never violent, it was all the dictator's power trips once they were in power. Lenin didn't order a genocide, but Mao and Stalin did. Communism would work if not for the selfish rationality of mankind.
>>42998 Communism by definition is the forceful removal of property and capital from private entities. The so societies that have implemented communism in the past were brutal with class warfare. Killing people and putting them in prison because you want to forcefully redistribute their wealth is considered violent in my book.
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I'm back baby
Who the fuck are you, and where the fuck is @tee
>>43012 We killed him and ate him to absorb his power.
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Hey guys. I't been a while since I was here last. Thought I'd drop by da club here and see whats up? What do you guys got plannedid for Halloween? Is this spooky enough? While I was gone, I made a new genre, completely on accident. "Terror House" I fucking love this shit.
i ordered a guy fawks mask online
>>43009 neat
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>>43000 get assburglars
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>>43004 LOVE ME
>>43005 What's your steam tho I'll add you
>>43006 Maldaris
>>43007 Added you fam, my screen name is Koga, or a variation of Koga