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Happy new year, assburglars
>>43235 if you can show your balls you can show your face in >>IRC
>>43235 that anon is right, you know.
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>>43251 smiledog.jpg
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whats the point of trolling? Most of the time I don't honestly get it. Unless there is something that is too obvious. I see people trolling others on 4chan and other chans and I'm like"why do you troll someone? What is the initial point? To help them understand? To make them feel a certain way? To see how mad they get?" I really just want to understand it. I feel like if all you do is troll people than you have a pretty sad life. If you go around being an asshole to people all the time, you are pretty pathetic and should reevaluate your life.
>>43123 >opinions Some people obsess over Sonic the Hedgehog and My Little Pony in their late 20s aswell It's all opinion, whether you like it or not doesn't change it
>>43124 so, trolling a person who likes something you don't is OK? So I should find a kid who loves DR WHO and fuck with his dumbass cause I hate it? OK will do next time. And when I get into an argument or a fight or parents get mad at me, I'll say "But the guys at 1chan said it was ok!"
>>43173 trolling anyone you want for anything is okay. it's okay to be an asshole, but its important to remember that people may treat you like shit for it.
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>>43101 Most of the time I don't honestly get huggles. Unless there is huggles that is too obvious. I see people huggles others on 1chan and other chans and I'm like"why do you huggles someone? What is the initial point? To help them understand? To make them feel a certain way? To see how mad they get?" I really just want to understand it. I feel like if all you do is huggles people than you have a pretty happy life. If you go around being an nice to people all the time, you are pretty cool and should be happy your life.
>>43218 you're trying too hard my friend.
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Today I turn 18 >omg all this time moshi was underage and we had no idea yes(YOU DUN GOOF'D)
>>43217 this was the case I made as well.
>>43216 wait is moshi rip now
you'll have to ask him.
>>43240 that ## Mod flex shiet
>>43238 ripip ;_;
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Well. It's official. I am back in the US and A.
>>43190 well it's good to have you back in the states bbg.
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>>43191 No clue
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>>43185 For good? Come visit me bbgirl
>>43227 Yessir. Permanently relocated in the US.
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>place still alive well-well
we're starving tee
tee has died of dysentery
tee i miss u
Dysentery, 2016’s new miracle diet
Thin it to win it: 2016
Embed: Coal Chamber - Loco [OFFICIAL VIDEO]–(YouTube) Tagged:
I wish it was still 97 Itt: we 90s
Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun–(YouTube)
>>43169 okay so what he was snorting pills. he was still a total lyrical genius. (relapse was awful tho)
>>43195 I disagree, Relapse is very underrated
>>43195 I think you misinterpreted what I said. If anything he was better then on drugs than he is now being sober. >>43198 Relapse really wasn't very good. Starting with the eminem show it went way downhill until mm lp 2 (which was good but he'll never top slim shady and Marshall Mathers)
>>43226 Then yes I did misunderstand, and I agree with all of that.
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Okay, I admit it. COD is a sellout game. Okay, I admit it. COD has just gotten worse as the years go on. Okay, I admit it. I am a fucking moron for purchasing this piECE OF SHIT FUCKING RETARDED ASS ASSBURGLARY VIDEO GAME
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I heard Halo Reach is backwards compatible with Xbox One now I need some people nasty af at Reach to play with if/when I get my hands on an Xbox One Show these young bohls how Reach is played
>>43188 Slipping into your DMs like the slipspace drive onto the Covenant Corvette in the Reach campaign
>>43192 sure sounds good i guess.
>>43192 UPDATE: I will be getting Reach very soon, so get your ONE very soon. Also, don't worry about Destiny. Get Star Wars Battlefront. It's so much fun.
>>43213 Well first I have a car to buy so it may be a minute
>>43220 UPDATE: I already owned reach lol
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Really, @Shimazu
i don't know why i lol'd so hard
>>43214 yes bruv
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Okay, so a few years ago, I heard about NORAD Santa Tracker. So this year, I decided to check it out, and apparently Santa visited Detroit?????? I didn't know he did that sort of thing. And what do the gift receivers do with the gifts? Pawn them for drugs? Someone please help me with this.
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the man of my dreams @spicefiend Merry christmas you bunch of fucks
happy birthday Jesus to all of you
>>43201 felix dies natalis solis invicti
merry christmas
you fucking asshole.
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"Hey are you guys hiring?" "Yeah! Do you need an application?" "Yes." "Here. Fill this out and come talk to the manager." 20 minutes later"I filled it out." "Let me get the manager." A. "Alright. So you're basically a clean slate I see. OK what are some of your feats? "Nothing really. I have little to no exp and I need someone to give me a chance." "If I gave you a job here, could I count on you to be here on time, dressed, cleaned up and ready to go? And you're over 18. That's good." "Yes sir/ma'am" Post truncated. Click Reply to view.
>>43168 did you not see the B.? That was part B of it. It wasn't contradicting anything at all technically. >>43157 > list something What do you mean? >>43161 And how would I get exp at all if no one will hire me?
>>43172 Intern/Work Experience And don't give bullshit that it's 'embarrassing for a 20-something to be an intern', people intern if they want experience and there's no other way no matter their age, you just have to be willing
>>43175 in other words, go in, do shit for free and hope you get the job and they pay you right?
>>43181 If you're a bitter self-entitled pessimist who would rather complain than get shit done to assist future-you, then yeah
>>43182 What if I'm not self-entitled.........just like...entitled. I am a millenial, afterall.