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RIP Noko, he died with my hard drive.
HELLO DAN and i'm so sorry to hear about noko. I will cherish my few memories.
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Guys I'm back and shit... I guess
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Party food is here
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>>34634 I took that picture of that cat stuck in the flag. fun fact.
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get out fucking normie
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So here it goes. Gender identity is a tough issue to talk about, especially to my more liberal friends. I would like to have a discussion and share viewpoints, but I have the inability to get past the first few sentences before I am just bombarded with insults. I don't know why political correctness needs to get in the way of an open sharing of viewpoints. Nothing I say about it is even malicious, not intentionally. Everything I say is with respect. I don't understand. So I thought I'd take to the internet for the discussion. Shall we? I personally look at gender identity issues as more of a mental health subject than a subject of sexuality. What solidifies this in me is that it is made SO clear how different sexuality and gender are. I think because of that they should not be grouped together. I believe, if being trans is indeed mental illness, it would make for better access to care. I'm not talking about conversion therapy, fuck that. I'm talking about how much easier it would be to get hooked up with a doctor that can help you get on hormone therapy, or get hooked up with a therapist because a lot of the trans people I know are sad anyway. Possibly having to do with trans related issues, maybe not. I can't be sure. But someone could be, and we could work on improving the mental health and wellness of this group while also working to destigmatize. Mental illness isn't chosen and nobody argues that. Thoughts?
Transgenderism is a legit condition SOMETIMES. In utero, all fetuses start out female. This is why men have nipples. During development, it requires certain hormones at certain times in certain amounts to alter the female fetus' body into a male. When this happens, the ovaries descend into the labia, which then seals itself and this becomes the scrotum. The urethra migrates upward and grows through the clitoris, which then enlarges into a penis. The nipples stay, but the mammary tissue remains undeveloped. Now, while all these physical changes happen, mental changes happen too. As the body is reconfigured into a male body, the brain is configured into a male brain as well. Now, remember those hormones that require certain amounts at certain times? Fuck any one of those variables up and all kinds of things happen. Get enough to make the physical body male, but not enough to completely rewire the brain? Congrats, you're gay. Get enough to wire certain parts of the brain male but the body is still female? Congrats, you're a lesbian. Now... what happens when the brain is wired completely male but the body hasn't changed from it's initial female state? Congrats. You're a F to M transgender. Do it the other way, and you get an M to F. So, is it a mental illness? Yes and no. Yes in that the brain is not working as it should with the body it has. No, in that there is nothing "wrong" with the brain, it's just trapped with the wrong hardware. This is, of course with legitimate cases. Not in some asshole with a tumblr who is trying to get idiots to pay his gofundme.
>>43655 I think this is a well thought out reply and for that I thank you. I can always count on you to be an intellectual. So basically what happens when I have this conversation I have found that I become a "bigot" and "transphobic trash" when really I'm just trying to get a better understanding. My brain fills in the blanks on its own where questions lay unanswered. It has been brought up to me that my use of the word "treatment" has been a trigger of a sort for some of my more....sensitive acquaintances. Yet, in reality, I am looking toward therapy that would actually make some change. Let's try to work on striking some of the fear and shame out of it. Let's try to educate these people as to what is going on inside of them so they can be more active in said treatment. These are big things. I think It would really help with the stigma of trans...nobody is going to kick a kid in a wheelchair off of the handicap ramp.
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Sorry about not responding to the requests on my past draw threads, I'm just too lazy. Anyway, I'm bored as shit right now so I guess I'll be taking new drawing requests. DRAW THREAD MOTHA FUCKAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>>43385 gud?
>>43389 10/10
>>43389 i think its very good :3
>>43389 ddaaaaaammmmnnn moshi. back at it again with the huge dicks
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Check out my post.
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I like dogs
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Tee, please
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I havn't had a pork pie in like a week, I'm having withdrawals.
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same bruv
I've never had a pork pie
i didn't know pork pie really existed i thought we just made a song about it
File: 1448355481679.gif–(13.60KB, 432x288, BlotTest.gif) Tagged: Conspiracy
what do you see?
>penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis >penis Post truncated. Click Reply to view.
-Winged snakes facing eachother -goat men sitting back to back, seen from the shoulders up man pooping while standing -wolf mask laying flat -upside down scary face -spaceship -regigigas -psychic alien -cow skull -angry dragon face -arrowhead from monster rancher -cowhide -grey alien face with top of head missing -ribcage -scorpion with two tails Post truncated. Click Reply to view.
>>43180 >Regigigas mah nigga
>two swans >elephant >a naked baby >a pokemon that has not yet been invented >that pink guy from dragon ball >a bison with a castle on top >regiigas >a digram of a woman organs >cow skull >angry face >another pokemon >a black dot >pelvis >a coat of arms >power substation Post truncated. Click Reply to view.
>>43155 Interesting. Now tell me about your mother.
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Sup folks? Hope all is well!
>>43598 tag your fucking post correctly so I don't have to see it
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I like this site!
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Web! Site!