File: 1377462483674.jpg–(49.44KB, 640x426, 1079401_172729872913621_501604207_n.jpg) Tagged:, Photography
post pics of you.
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>>44032 I am reviving a dead thread, this very much counts
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>>44037 >>44037
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This thread never dies
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>>44041 We will resurrect it as many times as needed.
File: 1730705005723.jpg–(1.24MB, 1068x1217, SmartSelect_20241024-114224_Instagram.jpg) Tagged: Anything and everything
Jerking to her rn
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interesting that you post straight porn to the gayest men i've ever met
File: 1697156982383.jpg–(171.94KB, 680x673, 20231012_173723.jpg) Tagged: Random
Penis enlargement pills
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largement enpenis pills
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;3;3;3 I <3 u K00laidz
damn nice pontiblack
1700877294055.jpg–(59.44KB, 768x480, I will build a subspace graviton field and bajor w)
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sup fig
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>>43923 call the police
>>43928 He's the best Piers
1621971093150.gif–(289.84KB, 500x500, 1368648716449.gif)
>>23078 All these years and Im still the best Uki.
>>44007 No, I'm best uki.
>>44008 No, you're the dirtiest.
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It hasn't changed a bit. Wishing you well. Offerings of joy be with you. May God have mercy on your soul.
I am glad you're alive my friend 1ch of the anus never dies Come join the circlejerk on discord
File: 1631155479963.jpg–(1.34MB, 4032x3024, BA0816E7-7CD1-4570-ACCD-F2262198481A.jpeg) Tagged:, Random
chubs it just hit me I'm 25yo at the end of this month that's almost a DECADE since I joined. I've never appreciated it more. y'all saw my most retarded side on IRC and it stopped me from being sus in real life. I love you all (even creed the fucking hater) and I wouldn't be who I am without our little retarded community, y'all got me through some painfully boring days in college sept 29th is chubnational shimmy day, if you don't get shimmy you're not a real one
love u bb
>>44012 Nigga, thas gay af
Why did you paint your tokarev, tovarish?
Have you tried penis enlargement pills?
>>44024 No, I took the easy route. I got a tattoo of my penis, on my penis, but bigger.
File: 1608421446273.png–(131.43KB, 528x321, dw0dlh20daz21.png) Tagged: GET
7 years ago i found a sketchy link on 4ch /b/. 7 years ago i met some of the worst people ive ever known. /s I miss you guys, hope 2020 wasnt a total wash for y'all. Good luck moving forward and stay safe brothers.
fuck off creed god I miss IRC
what is good about this place
>>44000 U2
>>44002 irc is back :D
Me too. Long time no see. I've been busy. Hopefully you have too. I survived cancer again. How have you been?
File: 1402372030456.png–(335.78KB, 1051x697, chessrekt.png) Tagged:, Internet, Traditional games As some of you have already found, I'm getting into chess. I would like to invite you to join me in learning some true strategy by taking each other on and studying chess resources. Lichess (linked above) is an excellent online chess site with training puzzles and casual games to practice with. There's also an AI player which will kick your ass on the easiest level, I guarantee it. For now let's scrimmage and help each other get comfortable with the game. There are tons of resources to try, personally I really enjoy MatoJelic's commentaries: You should also consider at least skimming a few strategy resources, to get a basic understanding of how you are able to build an offense/defense. There are lots of great books on TPB. Here's my profile, click "Follow" to be notified when I'm online and we're able to play a game. I'm up for quick games (<20 minutes) or long-term games, either is fine.
1405070060563.gif–(2.00MB, 320x314, 1389204019211.gif)
lets play pool
Add me and let's play some fucking CHESS
N O !
Check mate atheists
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I haven’t logged in for like 9 years
>>44051 This place came back to me in a dream
me too thanks
>>44050 Hey. Hey. Shutup.