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7 years ago i found a sketchy link on 4ch /b/. 7 years ago i met some of the worst people ive ever known. /s I miss you guys, hope 2020 wasnt a total wash for y'all. Good luck moving forward and stay safe brothers.
fuck off creed god I miss IRC
what is good about this place
>>44000 U2
>>44002 irc is back :D
Me too. Long time no see. I've been busy. Hopefully you have too. I survived cancer again. How have you been?
File: 1402372030456.png–(335.78KB, 1051x697, chessrekt.png) Tagged:, Internet, Traditional games As some of you have already found, I'm getting into chess. I would like to invite you to join me in learning some true strategy by taking each other on and studying chess resources. Lichess (linked above) is an excellent online chess site with training puzzles and casual games to practice with. There's also an AI player which will kick your ass on the easiest level, I guarantee it. For now let's scrimmage and help each other get comfortable with the game. There are tons of resources to try, personally I really enjoy MatoJelic's commentaries: You should also consider at least skimming a few strategy resources, to get a basic understanding of how you are able to build an offense/defense. There are lots of great books on TPB. Here's my profile, click "Follow" to be notified when I'm online and we're able to play a game. I'm up for quick games (<20 minutes) or long-term games, either is fine.
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lets play pool
Add me and let's play some fucking CHESS
N O !
Check mate atheists
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I haven’t logged in for like 9 years
>>44051 This place came back to me in a dream
me too thanks
>>44050 Hey. Hey. Shutup.
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Merry Christmas chubs
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>>44047 You know what you need to do...
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Honestly, if you're not willing to boof your booze you shouldn't even be at this party. Why are you here? Come back when you grow a pair
>>44044 Next time I drink, I'm doing buttshots
Dump it all in I want a carbonated buttcano fizz fountain
No, thank you. I boof my own balls and prefer to inject pure ethanol directly in my veins.
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Goodnight 1chan. I am going to sleep.
>>44035 No u
>>44035 * gently fucks your ass and kisses your forehead * Night night bby
>>44038 Show your name, don't hide like a coward!
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We're gathered here today to revivify 1chanus. Go forth,chubs, and spread the gospel of 1chanus. Bring new blood to the old place that they may post tits/dicks/both. It has been written.
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*Performs CPR on 1chan*
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Pandemic shutdown would have been a good time to bring this back full swing.
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CPR rolls a 1 CPR is rejected
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I hope you feel better soon tee
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We're still watching.
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I hate to be the bringer of bad news but tee has died after a head-on collision Thursday evening, according to a series disocord messages, you can see the accident on the image below. He has left 1chan in my hands, so no worries, I will take good care of it. There will be some upcoming changes. I'm gonna introduce a new all red very bright design. Say goodbye to tags! Since there isn't much traffic I have decided to limit discussion to 1 topic only and that is penises. I will be also changing the old and boring interface language to Albanian, with 365 folk Albanian songs playing on rotation all year round with a different song every day, on the background that is. Hope you're all doing well <3
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miss y'all love y'all