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so I just watched this series of movies the other day and my only reaction is why haven't I heard of it until now? gimme some old scary movies or series of movies that I can get my chub into
VHS 1 & 2 are p scary if you watch them alone with the lights off
>>43661 but they're not old, sorry
fast and furious
Take your pick:
watch the movie Evilspeak :^)
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ouu, I just broke my wrist hunnid on my wrist, can't tell me shit, pop 4 xans then I fuck a nigga bitch, never went to school cuz I was only flippin bricks
>>43883 wrong artist
>>43884 I disagree
>>43885 did he tell that bish lil pump yeah? if not then he wack(LIL PUMP WAS A SAINT FUCK YOU)
>>43886 Idk, all i know is mumble rap got boring too quick. Doesn't float my boat.
is that lil fag
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Sup nerds? so I started a thread some time ago on 4chan/tg/ and thought to test it out here: What's your favorite TCG What do you wish had a TCG What do you wish came back? What's your favorite deck(s)? wanna try another discord out based on table top games and TCGs? I was also coming in to say hey cause it's been a bit.
pokémon TCG was the fuckin best
>>43873 I still play on Monday's at my favorite hobby shop. I can post a link to my friend and I opening booster boxes. You should play it more. Or just online as well. It's free.
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Post Questions Here, stupid or Whatever ? obv stupid will be ignored unless well worded, and thought out.
>>39235 god
>friend of mine will listen to another friend who he says he "respects" a bit more and I'm ok with that >tell him the exact words I know his other friend would say to him >gets mad when I say it but doesn't get mad when the other friend says it And yes, we all 3 know each other, he's known him longer than me while I feel like I talk to him more. So even if he's known him longer than me say be a 2 years or something, why does he take my advice as me being an asshole but the other is ok? I don't get this.
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>>39206 Have you ever met her physically? How long have you been together with her? If you have been with her physically, how long were you guys in close proximity?
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>>39235 obv stupid will be ignored unless well worded, and thought out.
>>43855 I thought that was a pretty good question actually
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who broke the youtube embedding feature smh
God damn it @tee
>>43863 is he still non-existant or what
>>43865 More like non-heterosexual
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ITT: Desktops tidying allowed, make them pretty
413 Request Entity Too Large nginx/1.12.0 great job tee
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decorated my botnet
>>43856 Y u do dis?
>>43857 fuck you
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Guys, I missed you. <3 Basically I forgot my first account and made this one and forgot it because I hadn't used it. I sold my computer, and was incarcerated for a while, and I haven't been on in months, years maybe. Now I sync my passwords and... and here you are. :')
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It's been a while since I was last here. How have people been? What's the community up to?
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I still pop in from time to time. About once a week, sometimes less depending on RL shit.
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>>43842 >do we still have the TF2 server? or the Counter Strike or the Unreal Tournament ones?
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So this was in my Open-VPN folder. I shit you not, it contained a near-perfect copy of my Open-VPN client. MD5 diff timez
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>>31014 It confused me more than anything. I sat there for about five min thinking I was going insane. MD5 diff showed it was different than the rest of my client files. So I dunno.
>>31023 Feds are on to you, m8. Stop looking at CP. :c((USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST))
>using pleb OS
Don't care, it's not like I'm a pedo HEY NSA, WANNA WATCH SOME GILF PORN????
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Is anyone else having problems accessing the site and/or the IRC? please tell me 1chanus isn't dying :( pic unrelated
>>32861 i know it's working now but when it's not, connect through the 7chan server ( or 99chan server (
>>32861 Try
>>32862 >(*
>>32187 @tee is everything still normal
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Adolf Hitler appreciation thread.
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Der Fuhrer was def an interesting guy. Have you read Mein Kampf anon?
I'm glad someone brought this up here. I recently came across some information that alleges that the holocaust was nothing more than a psyop. I haven't been able to find any other information pertaining to it. Anyone here have info they are familiar with or maybe know where I can find more information on the subject?
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im jewish and this offends me
>>43796 I don't give a fuck.
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Well... Aren't we just doing dandy.
Its all me
>>29236 the account number has stayed pretty steady where it is. but the posts are growing and growing. i love this place. can't wait to help watch it grow
>>43814 lol indeed