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bump because i really really like this image
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is that just an old pedobear because if so, i think this pic pretty much sums it up
>>43501 no you fruit its a new meme you old fuck, get with the times
i'm gonna go with old pedobear
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After some time, online and offline, you can only go so far with people. Am I wrong to feel this way? there was this guy I knew for sometime, he constantly complained about his life, said he wanted to see his boyfriend, said he wanted to leave the US cause he wants to live in socialism/communism. He legit thinks that it could work. The kid is 16 and thinks he knows everything. I really hope I wasn't like that when I was 16 but I prolly was too. But that's not the point. why are children so "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I CAN DO IT ON MY OWN!" and then turn around and ask for help when they completely fuck up? Like why? I don't get it. So this kid would come to me on a daily basis complaining about something, something stupid, acting like I was his therapist or some shit. I would do my best in trying to help him out. He would turn around and act like he's this amazing video game player. Like he's better at everything. Seriously? Do you have no life to the point that you have to talk about video games like you're amazing at them? I invited him to my discord, he was from a reddit Pokemon server I had join. (fuck reddit. what a piece of shit place) Then he invites like 3 other people. 1 trans assburglar who does nothing but trolls, his "boyfriend" and this autistic kid. ALL fucked up and I banned their asses. I had enough of these idiots walking in here. I have an open server, and I'm ok with allowing people but when you start drama, wtf man? Like really? want me to post my rant I sent to him?
>want me to post my rant I sent to him? Go ahead.
the important question is, whats your discord
I gave him another chance, I'm too god damn friendly and shit "If Tarra kicks you, and he doesn't give you another chance, that says something" said a friend. here's my rant: You're a communistic dumbass who thinks hes a girl. Not a single person wants to be around you. Everyone in your family complains about you and you can't even leave your house. All your friends are on the internet. You have no intent of leaving your house. You think that you are right on political stances when you're what? 16? OK good for you. You have no idea how the world works. The only thing for someone in life that's good for you is going out in the battle field and purposly getting shot. You have no real purpose in life cept to run around saying what a special snowflake you are. You have no goals, no aspirations, no nothing. You act like you are better than me and you can say WHATEVER you want. I am VERY tolerate of people. Fucking ask ANY ONE in the chat. I have given a dozen chances to you, List and about 3 other people WAY before you joined my group. And it's not us, it's LITERALLY you starting shit for no god damn reason. You think any one in my chat wants you around? I've talked to everyone here. They all ask me what the fuck is your problem. They all ask why you can't calm the fuck down. They all ask me why you're fucked up in the head. They all ask me why you think things like communism, socialism is a good idea. Your own "boyfriend" who you will never see, even thinks thinks this. He asked me why you're the way you are. You're not cute, you're not funny, you're a worthless self entitled brat with internet privs who needs the shit beaten out of him. Which your parents haven't done it enough. Post truncated. Click Reply to view.
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1.What's the most fucked up shit you've ever seen on the ineternet, and I don't mean "LOL CP AND RAPE!" I mean things that you saw, that were legal and you're like "the fuck is this?" 2. what is the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet, if this counts as 1 cool, but I'm asking weird not something that makes you shit bricks
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>>43371 that had me up for days when I first read about it
[NSFW] well it wasn't legal, but Daisy's Destruction was the worst thing I've seen. Someone on /b/ posted a link on the clearnet to it. I remember a green screen, with a shitty background, and a bed in front of it. They put ice on a babies no-no square, and then hung it by its feet and clothes pinned the same place all you could hear was the childs screams they were like asian, maybe Taiwanese, or Korean. It was a woman doing it, and she had a mask on Besides that, this is the most captivating thing I've read as far as i remember its SFW
>>43460 intradasting dont feel like sourcing to make sure this is all correct, so ill just take your word for it
my neighbor decided to vacuum his driveway. He even waved and said "Hey Neighbor" like it was mid day and he was raking leaves when I came out and asked what the fuck he was doing, it was 3am and he was in a vacuuming mood I guess. Meth, not even once....
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Post youtube videos or guides on forums etc to help chubs improve their frag counts something as simple as learning how to peek has improved my skills tremendously The video on peeker's advantage: Some of the information is wrong, but the technique does work due to geometry and reaction times on top of ping.
>>43427 didn't even realise you linked to voo lol, bonus points for you
Basically... First of all hardware really matters. This cannot be understated. Do not handicap yourself. I don't even play comp if I'm on WiFi or missing my mouse pad. -Headphones. You really need to be able to hear clearly which direction footsteps are coming from. -Wired internet connection. You will get rid of that packet loss which is pretty huge deal. You will also remove any latency in your network. Ping the router on WiFi and on Ethernet and see the difference. -Precision mouse and mousepad. Really important. Anything from steel series is nice. I've got the rival, and I've also used the kinzu. -Mechanical keyboard. Less important but its also nice if you have one with macros. A pistol spam macro is pretty useful for tec9. -Monitor. High refresh rate without too much resolution. -Graphics card. Really shouldn't be an issue. This is an old game anything cheap run it fine.
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I'm mainly an AWPer, and half decent with AK. My tips for learning how to use AWP. Quick-scopes. Probably 80% of my shots are quick-scope. I have bound buttons to make this easier for me. Mouse wheel up: Switch to Primary. Mouse wheel down: Switch to Knife. Q:Switch to pistol. The quick-scope sequence. Aim imaginary cross-hair at player. Right click. Left click. Mwheel down. Mwheel up. Repeat on next guy. Flicking the mouse wheel up and down in between shots becomes pretty addicting. One way to learn where your cross-hair is to stick a little triangle of paper on your screen and practice while playing death match.
>>43434 I'll back you up on steelseries, on my second kana v2 (though I'm switching to a razer mamba te when I get my pc upgrade), I use a steelseries apex raw keyboard as well which is a nice budget keyboard that's comfy as fuck and decent response time for a non-mechanical also, make sure you've got all your graphics on low for maximum fps, 3kliksphillip did a video on how important refresh rate and high framerates are: >>43435 I enjoy AWPing also, been working on aggressive GuardiaN style AWPing which is a bit different to passive AWPing which I see a lot of in comp my keybinds are pretty vanilla, but I have mwheelup for jump (makes bhopping a hell of a lot easier but has destroyed my mouse wheel over the last few months), and I always make sure I switch to knife with Q-autoswitch. since I'm AWPing aggressively I want to get away as quick as possible and will have a buddy to tag in if I'm chased, so I'll knife out and run, or double tap Q to reset my scope for another shot. I also switched crouch to alt but that's more of a comfort thing than function (works since I don't use my thumb on spacebar to jump), thinking of changing walk to caps lock or tab for even more comfort with equal function
oh and if you're a narcissist like me you should record clips with and follow me: if anyone is EU or just wants to fuck around in aim maps then add me on steam too (I won't comp outside of EU because ping):
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Sup, niggaz. I couldn't get into the site for the longest time. Redirect loop of doom. But it's all gravy, baby. I'm back in this bitch.
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>>43441 howdy fellow teenager
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I heard you was back in the USA. Welcome back. Just in time to see Trump become President.
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Yo so I smoked some DMT a week ago and it was spooky as fuck. Communication with extradimensional beings and whatnot occurred. I smell the shit and still get nervous, but I'm considering doing some more soon, this time alone instead of with a sober friend. Anyone else have any experience with DMT?
Did you break through? how long did it last? can you greentext the whole trip? I think @tee has experience with it. I would love to try it but it's impossible to find around here.
>>43405 I'm honestly not sure what people mean by "breakthrough" but I can give a quick summary >breath in DMT from ghetto ass 2 liter >tripsitter takes rig from me because i immediately can't really move >start counting, get to five before needing to lie down >first five seconds everything turns to bright colored fractals, almost aztec style patterns, especially my jeans and the couch i was on >after lying down decide i need to close my eyes, still holding breath and counting >thick black and white strobing bars passing up and down in vision >think about color and the bars light up orange and green >reach thirty in my head and breath out, start breathing really heavily >feels like i'm pissing myself >realize how weird my body feels, like I'm evaporating and only one layer of skin is left >the bars i'm hallucinating start to wrap around into the shape of a head >breathing heavily the room starts to expand and shrink at the same time (my eyes are still shut) Post truncated. Click Reply to view.
Round 2 felt like I was flying. Much chiller this time, smoked about half of what I did last time. Super happy, lots of love, felt invigorated for the rest of the day. Good shit my dudes
>>43409 >>43439 i'm planning on ordering some mimosa root bark on ebay and extracting the dmt some time soon, there's a tutorial on psuchonaut wiki about it
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<3 love you guys
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>>43413 i bet those random writings on the walls are all the nicknames you changed on irc
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Could we have a /pol/ or /new/ or at least /traditional/ board?
I mean you could have just started one now but you made a useless thread about neither.
There is already a politics tag if you want a traditional tag, that can be arranged
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my left testicle hurts
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Perhaps I ended up in a messy divorce, who's to know. Either way, I'm not back. I'm just saying hello and I may, or may not be around a bit. Peace my friends.
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Also, Gez4Prez! Here's a current picture of me for your archives, enjoy.
What's up, gezicht. Nothing has changed. Shimazu is still a fagoot, Creed is still a assburglar, moshi is still a assburglar, and they are the bad kinds of assburglars like pride parade and pink fuzzy boa. Tee is also a assburglar but he's more like.........interior design, flip this house kind of assburglar. And Brite is still "just me :)"
I'm briteâ„¢
"The Cut Ups," (1966) William S. Burroughs–(YouTube)
yes hello
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>>43419 >I'm brite je suis brite
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I love Natalie Portman ♥ Anyone else feels the same? What's your celebrity crush?
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minhee from stellar is my queen