File: 1446871622421.png–(238.52KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2015-09-07-14h13m28s088.png) Tagged: Anonymous, Social
whats the point of trolling?
Most of the time I don't honestly get it. Unless there is something that is too obvious. I see people trolling others on 4chan and other chans and I'm like"why do you troll someone? What is the initial point? To help them understand? To make them feel a certain way? To see how mad they get?" I really just want to understand it. I feel like if all you do is troll people than you have a pretty sad life. If you go around being an asshole to people all the time, you are pretty pathetic and should reevaluate your life.
that i can understand but the fact that it's like all the fucking time and people are just assholes for no reason, simply farting at your wife, I can understand, I do it to my mom. I mean like constantly. Just being an asshole to someone. I guess to saying"Purposely bullying" someone.
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>purposely bullying
>implying normal bullying isn't on purpose
Trolling is for the lulz, that's it, it's not that deep
maybe not but even then, i don't understand why it's constant and why people cont so much when I'm looking for a conversation.
Also, why can't I see names any more?
Because it's the internet, lol. Literally everywhere on the internet is some sort of trolling hotspot, not many places and forums you can go to without them anymore. Anonymity does that sometimes
As for the names, you've got the Anonymous thread tag, so all posts in this thread will be anonymous
so, trolling a person who likes something you don't is OK? So I should find a kid who loves DR WHO and fuck with his dumbass cause I hate it? OK will do next time. And when I get into an argument or a fight or parents get mad at me, I'll say "But the guys at 1chan said it was ok!"
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Most of the time I don't honestly get huggles. Unless there is huggles that is too obvious. I see people huggles others on 1chan and other chans and I'm like"why do you huggles someone? What is the initial point? To help them understand? To make them feel a certain way? To see how mad they get?" I really just want to understand it. I feel like if all you do is huggles people than you have a pretty happy life. If you go around being an nice to people all the time, you are pretty cool and should be happy your life.