File: 1378698344505.png–(99.27KB, 480x800, 130909_0121221595808367.png) Tagged: Art, Random
I'm going to dump some OC, meanwhile requests are accepted.
1378698480055.png–(104.77KB, 480x800, 130909_0123561963345088.png)
1378698502720.png–(49.62KB, 480x800, 130909_012546-1779123768.png)
1378698527748.png–(73.54KB, 480x800, 130909_012734-975129188.png)
1378698574953.png–(82.13KB, 480x800, 130909_0129241108329824.png)
1378698618312.png–(68.06KB, 480x800, 130909_014317920767948.png)
1378698703566.png–(60.24KB, 480x800, 130909_014831-230042793.png)
1378698733002.png–(110.30KB, 480x800, 130909_015708-1128331471.png)
1378698764639.png–(80.62KB, 480x800, 130909_020711-674028010.png)
1378698810845.png–(76.11KB, 480x800, 130909_021505-1085748744.png)
1378698843489.png–(62.70KB, 480x800, 130909_022354566234431.png)
1378698872105.png–(70.80KB, 480x800, 130909_023321-1392391907.png)
1378698909360.png–(113.99KB, 480x800, 130909_024704-747379466.png)
1378698933563.png–(77.55KB, 480x800, 130909_040705878507062.png)
>>15322 dick shitting nipples
1378699022805.png–(70.59KB, 480x800, 130909_041443907597049.png)
1378699048294.png–(56.42KB, 480x800, 130909_043530285452250.png)
1378699092029.png–(72.69KB, 480x800, 130909_044008-1590684885.png)
1378699124722.png–(84.77KB, 480x800, 130909_044418516905753.png)
1378699161482.png–(79.01KB, 480x800, 130909_045325-1347258000.png)
1378699201233.png–(106.78KB, 480x800, 130909_0503531428471780.png)
1378699249403.png–(37.40KB, 480x800, 130909_0513511963246865.png)
21/21 dis da best one
>>15321 >>15331 these are the best ones. Definitely the woman falling into a bundle of tits was the best
1378700375896.png–(116.66KB, 480x800, 130909_061626-89918112.png)
This is Celestia and her boob testicles
1378700481569.jpg–(33.46KB, 500x394, 971062_181993815316237_659256071_n.jpg)
>>15340 Very art
>>15345 haha i can still see dicks, balls, nipples, assfucking........these are hardly nsfw blurs
Can you do a small naked Japanese man eating Nemo's dad from finding nemo? Don't ask why.
>>15319 <3
1378721943176.png–(109.18KB, 480x800, 130909_120529-1779123768.png)
>>15382 Here, I did more than what you asked for, if you want me to remove the penises just tell me.
1378721999204.png–(118.80KB, 480x800, 130909_121243-975129188.png)
>>15390 Maybe this is better
1378745194428.png–(90.54KB, 480x800, 130909_184350433537645.png)
1378766911432.png–(125.99KB, 480x800, 130910_004651-1307239483.png)
>>15497 I love it when you take requests, moshi.
>>15315 <3 thx luv u 2 bb
>>15497 Oh, god damnit.
>>15499 isn't his art just a masterpiece everytime
>>15497 >>15501 i mastur piece evry tiem
I love it. Thank you, Moshi.
>>15504 get in the irc flec. i have a surprise for you
>>15507 I would, bu I've been IP banned. Th elink has been closed. Talk to tee or beechi about it.
>>15528 tee says you weren't. try it
>>15532 I keep getting this error code: Closing Link: [] (Z:Lined (am tee))
>>15534 try it now flecdorbee. don't spam in there buddy.
ight ill bite me in cute little princess outfit go.
R34 SagexNoko. Robo-incest. >do it fgt
1378801803077.png–(124.28KB, 480x800, 130910_102616-513547391.png)
1378802799996.png–(112.09KB, 480x800, 130910_104410-709606287.png)
>>15587 Based on this early drawing of sage >>15318
Do I get a drawing of me?
>>15650 see this Mister Zakes >>15437 das yu
how bout me
>>15662 are you a boy or a girl?
1378840126146.png–(30.02KB, 178x322, oak.png)
>>15702 loled harder then I should have.
1378849236891.png–(109.03KB, 480x800, 130910_232937-2024563766.png)
Never saw tees girlfriend but I'm pretty sure she has a dick under her armpit
1378849286308.png–(83.49KB, 480x800, 130910_233456-513547391.png)
another one
1378851241793.png–(71.86KB, 480x800, 130911_001206-581704684.png)
>>15662 I did et yeeeeeeee
1378851587474.jpg–(37.76KB, 600x306, wowyoudidreallygood.jpg)
>>15804 its its beautiful
1378852414103.png–(88.28KB, 480x800, 130911_003136-2024563766.png)
four flec frum mooshii <Bbbbb
Can you draw me fucking a few maggots, moshi?
1379111863908.png–(381.70KB, 800x450, 130914_003554-1653177293.png)
This is like cheating but whatever
1379112877536.png–(114.64KB, 480x800, 130914_005226-1653177293.png)
request by shimazu
1379372087950.png–(120.42KB, 480x800, 130917_005018370211452.png)
1379374531973.png–(95.98KB, 480x800, 130917_013357370211452.png)
here goes another one
PlZ make me one, preferably of my 10,000 get
This thread is pretty great to be honest.
>>17285 Moshi you have Sunny's approval. <3
>>17289 achievement unlocked
1379439833223.png–(265.98KB, 480x800, 130917_194134.png)
>>17272 here you go buddy
1379498605293.png–(62.53KB, 480x800, tmp_130918_120149370211452.png)
To my friend speakspam
Can you drawing mw ucking miley in the recling ball vid
1379669756474.png–(55.96KB, 480x800, tmp_130920_112221-155752103.png)
Draw a zombie.
1379725250328.png–(71.55KB, 480x800, tmp_130921_025907370211452.png)
>>17929 here ya go
>>17945 dickpocalypse*
1381539271629.png–(60.34KB, 480x800, tmp_131012_0252051589589284.png)
did et
draw celestia pissing in my mouth
>>21522 Ugh this shit never stops making me giggle.
1381541303415.png–(57.40KB, 480x800, tmp_131012_0327011589589284.png)
>>21523 here
>>21528 my neck isnt that fat but im happy
>>21528 Oh god.
>>21528 i'm pleased
Draw a black ginger asian jew sniffing my dick with a 14 inch long nose
1381583506090.png–(162.45KB, 480x800, tmp_131012_151023-857413419.png)
>>21552 there is nothing I can't do
>>21552 Dear @Felonious Gru, I really was your brother. I was just testing to see if you would still love me if I make your dick look ugly. Love Moshi, your bro.
>>21615 How about, spicefiend fucking the heaviest woman in the world. She has bedsores under her tits. Reverse cowgirl
1381605443824.png–(80.58KB, 480x800, tmp_131012_211543-857413419.png)
draw me blowing up a building while fucking a rhinoceros
Draw the queen bee
1381608099571.png–(62.99KB, 480x800, tmp_131012_220038-857413419.png)
1381608933279.png–(66.58KB, 480x800, tmp_131012_221354-857413419.png)
>>21624 here you go my friend
>>21627 B-BAKA
draw me with tomoko
1381616238504.gif–(1.94MB, 230x175, 1367981711172.gif)
>>21606 thumbnail
Draw me and Sunny cuddling ;__;
>>21643 Awwww Zakes! What's wrong??
>>21645 >tfw no qt 3.1416 Sunny to snuggle with before falling asleep
1381678486330.png–(77.18KB, 480x800, tmp_131013_165645-857413419.png)
1381678578757.png–(74.70KB, 480x800, tmp_131013_1732362087906233.png)
How's about drawing me flying an F-14 into sage?
1381683566112.jpg–(248.54KB, 904x573, 1399416-bueno.jpg)
>>21716 Moshi Delivars!
>>21714 what the actual fuck?
Draw me with a zombie on a leash.
draw me on a giraffe with my chakras aligned
1381778057916.jpg–(24.58KB, 800x480, tmp_13817779766591119536792.jpg)
>>21856 Beautiful.
1381779478344.jpg–(29.07KB, 800x480, tmp_13817793160511119536792.jpg)
>>21743 i know it doesn't look like a zombie i'm sure you'll love it
>>21861 It's... awesome actually. Thanks!
1381780202323.gif–(967.79KB, 450x253, derp.gif)
draw me shitting on tee
1381780630165.png–(54.16KB, 480x800, tmp_131014_2155211889923067.png)
>>21865 yuss
1381807063577.jpg–(30.15KB, 480x640, beautiful.jpg)
>>21722 Y-you're scaring me Zakes.
>>21716 not true. zakes is uncut
>>21917 if you look close you can see he rolled up his sleeve
>>21864 im not going to do that to our lord and savior tee
>>21920 oh my god. you're right.
spicefiend, i command thee to draw a zombified dick attacking a prehistoric village
1384824414004.jpg–(109.87KB, 640x640, 1384489500904.jpg)
>>21606 oh man i just remembered this thread im laughing pretty hard thx m8
also can you pls draw the perfect multicultural workspace see >>25576 for details
Draw me pl0x
draw me riding rainbow dash
1384885175242.jpg–(37.83KB, 689x476, tmp_13848851046571681018620.jpg)
1384891282009.png–(39.30KB, 400x299, tmp_131119_210023905552337.png)
1384892253833.jpg–(23.27KB, 695x480, tmp_1384892186700-987824631.jpg)
>>25580 <3
1384893210532.jpg–(33.53KB, 695x480, tmp_1384893134018-350433886.jpg)
>>25582 dick = rekt
>>25631 Such beauty
>>25630 thx m8 hav an upjobe
>>25632 lol
1385517327309.jpg–(22.75KB, 695x480, tmp_1385517209148-341416023.jpg)
1385596788465.png–(48.95KB, 480x695, tmp_131128_0047301528117492.png)
1385596856458.jpg–(20.23KB, 695x480, tmp_1385596667753-939320739.jpg)
worshiping the dick
1385598759773.jpg–(69.50KB, 512x632, 1385573517907.jpg)
>>26445 This is the thing of dreams
draw me but use your imagination
1385628875748.png–(36.43KB, 480x695, tmp_131128_0950401528117492.png)
1385938329142.jpg–(33.39KB, 695x480, tmp_13859382399871485145163.jpg)
>>26810 oh lordy jesus
draw me doing a goatse (stretching my asshole)
>>26828 LOL (Internet Slang for Laugh Out Loud, In response to something found funny.)
1386018322826.png–(48.96KB, 480x695, tmp_131202_2200321485145163.png)
1387749594116.png–(42.43KB, 635x480, tmp_122213_225503-440470699.png)
to @Merc
>>28268 That's a giant shitty dick,son. I like it.
1387751931479.png–(80.82KB, 635x480, tmp_122213_233331-161659973.png)
for brite
1387752704412.jpg–(18.16KB, 500x332, 1361827408078.jpg)
>>28272 you kick ass
1387940612877.png–(37.84KB, 480x635, tmp_122513_040136-43528214.png)
welcome back superiorwizard, these are your butt testicles