File: 1430562644693.jpg–(66.46KB, 1024x768, David-Hasselhoff.jpg) Tagged: Art, Random
Taking drawing requests cause this place looks dead as fuck. Pic not related.
Would it be possible for you to draw me a vampire flying through space with a pikachu as a jetpack?
David Hasselhoff shouting from the drivers seat of a hearse at a pack of skeletons to "Jump in my car, I wanna take you home"
>>42392 draw me a picture of freddy prinze jr standing on a pile of dismembered furbys with a can of flaming hot cheetos asteroids in one hand and a bottle of pepsi blue in the other with pokemon cards and tamagatchis falling out of his pockets with like pamela anderson or carmen electra suckin his weiner and hes saying "god damn i love the 90's"
>>42400 1080p hi resolution plz
please draw a bicycle
Please draw multiple asian strippers (female) but the catch is they've all been executed by Boko Haram.
Space Marines. Mods as Space marines. Because of course I'd ask that.
tranny with a big fat cock
@moshi pls respond
a fish
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These are all I had time for doing, coming soon (cause these will take me more time): >>42400 >>42411 >>42415 >>42427 >>42428 sorry for totally forgetting about this thread
>>42487 I'm excited now
>>42484 i love it. haven't seen you in >>IRC in a while you should pay us a visit.
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>>42490 Heeeeeereeee you go buddy, this sure took me time. The others are coming later or maybe tomorrow...
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Meanwhile I'll re-post this because it's one of my favorites.
>>42509 It's everything id hoped for and more
Snowman roasting a marshmallow over a fire. Request from my 6 year old niece
>>42565 and killing himself to make smores, it represents humanities want for things that slowly kill us yet we do it anyway >your niece is 2deep4me
>>42483 This is better than I could have ever expected. Thank you, a million times over.
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I'd like you to draw me a picture of me, with a lollipop in my mouth, wearing a fanny pack and leaning against a wall. I am wearing a sweat stained white tangtop with dad shorts that are a bit too short for my legs. Pic related, me with a moustache-- I'd like you to use that as my face. Thanks.
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>>42578 Someone already beat him to it.
>>42580 Uppermost Leonard
Well fuck, give me time guys
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>>42633 I've been waiting for a month esse
...j-just time
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