File: 1387419824562.jpg–(0.96MB, 1920x1200, americaeagle.jpeg) Tagged: Anything and everything
28000 much?
1387424282005.gif–(0.98MB, 500x250, 1387217549146.gif)
1387430525766.png–(137.48KB, 490x351, datingprofile.png)
>>28005 You can't get em all Piers.
1387443194078.gif–(598.12KB, 400x550, danse.gif)
ITT we remember the 9000 get and it's dashing poster
any one have a archive of the main gets in 1chans history?
>>28104 Dont need to archive my 10000 get because it was so memorable everyone remembers it
1387529543646.jpg–(67.99KB, 661x882, 1377509534665.jpg)
>>28029 Someone screenshotted the 9000
>>28104 You could also just link the gets, like >>1 >>100 >>1000 >>2000 And so on
>>28129 >>28116 >>20000 guess not
>>18000 nevar forget
all these gay gets