File: 1379774894276.jpg–(371.33KB, 2048x1536, 0921031040.jpg) Tagged: Men, Women
ITT we post pics of our genitals on stuff. Or stuff in our genitals. One Rule: No anonymity. >pic related, my gun is cocked, locked, and loaded.
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Come at me.
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Also, come at me
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Stunnas on, got my stunnas on.
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dickbong >>18001 damn that's small
>>18004 and >>18002 isn't?
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Happy apple teabag
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Greetings from communist China
>>18008 loled harder than I should have.
SPICE this thread should not exist
>>18016 I don't see your dick in here Tarlach. So why are you ITT.
>>18017 I'm a fucking moron. Pointed out by J. I mean toehawk. you should become toeCAWKPOSTEDINTHISTHREAD
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I always wear protection. Safety first kids!
>>18021 OMG THE GLASSES HAVE EYES OMG also nice dick assburglar
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>>18037 >>18034 There was one rule. One rule guys
>>18066 All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ
bump for moar cock game
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I ain't no pussy. Time to ride the lightning!
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Testicles & Beowulf Big balls, bwahahaha.
>>17998 needs moar cock on things
Admit it, @spicefiend You only did this so you could see more pics of my cawk.
>>19630 @Mister Zakes yeah I was hoping. Wanna bite?
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Well. Why the fuck not... contribootin
>>20400 No homo but i'd suck your dick for hours Dova. also, nice dubs.
>>20413 Ah. The internet. Also MODS, sorry for not tagging NSFW, I always forget.
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Apparently it counts if my dick is "in the thread" so there we go. >newly shaved @StrayBullet
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only cause you asked
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>>23396 I don't think you read what we do in this thread.
>>23402 Yes but >>23396 Oh gosh you have nice legs.
>>23421 Seconded.
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>>23402 I did not >>23421 >>23427 t-thanks
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Just for you, spicey.
>>23526 there are things i needed to see and things i didn't need to see, these where the latter >>20400
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>>23899 click on them, why did you, hmm?
>>23899 So, wait, you needed to see my dick?
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Apparently this is just a free for all dickfest, so here goes.
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Dicks! The end.
didn't want this thread to die. will post soon
ITT: n-no homo
Because some threads need to be bumped to the top of the stack.
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>>30352 I was unable to penetrate the castle gate.
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suppose i might as well.
Such HD
time to bring this bitch back.
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This isn't in anything but damn it's a good pic.
Also trips bitch
>>42666 sorry guys, i broke my own rule. 666 was me.
Let's bring this bitch back. Who's got some shit to contribute!
>>43631 nice cock assburglar
>>43667 We birthed a legend. That's how.
>>43667 Did you think I was gonna let the thread with >>18000 die? Are you dim?
ebin thread never forget....
Welcome back everyone