File: 1377380688226.png–(0.98MB, 1366x768, ss (2013-08-24 at 09.39.04).png) Tagged: Technology, Wallpapers
Let's have one of those... Post & Rate
all fuckin' ready there are cancer threads
>>6290 There is already one, maggot.
>>6294 Elaborate? How are desktop threads "cancer"? Why don't you just hide it and move along? Real cancerous threads are get threads, pony threads, slowpoke threads....
>>6299 >>>/catalog/ >CTRL + F "Desktop" clearly there isn't
1377381194677.png–(4.96MB, 1920x1080, desktop.png)
>>6290 Okay... but mine is basically just the wallpaper
1377401026800.png–(362.80KB, 1366x768, sdfdsfsdf.png)
Heres mine Spoiler test
>>7535 lel
1377402760332.png–(73.45KB, 5000x2849, A cat is fine too.png)
>>7535 Heres the original if anyone wants it for some reason
1377403111724.png–(759.14KB, 1360x768, Screenshot from 2013-08-24 22:57:38.png)
Always a good time fot a desktop thread.
1377472351661.jpg–(328.28KB, 1918x1077, DatRainmeter.jpg)
Is this necroposting?
>>8574 0/10
>>8575 So what's wrong with my desktop?
>>8574 That is so fucking clean man. Props
1377473964841.png–(732.48KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png)
1377474655892.png–(469.33KB, 576x324, desktop.png)
>>8585 >>8574 I don't know what he's on about, it looks clean if you ask me.
1377549306021.png–(1.43MB, 1280x1024, Screenshot - 13-08-26 - 04:33:21 PM.png)
Come at me bro
1377550196162.png–(2.79MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png)
my desktop is so clean :)
1380474104398.png–(769.25KB, 1280x800, desktop.png)
Clean desktops are best desktops
1380474120431.jpg–(264.22KB, 1920x1080, ss (2013-09-29 at 10.00.30).jpg)
1380474393794.png–(4.38MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png)
I am your nightmare.
1380474547353.png–(1.63MB, 1920x1080, desktop_29sep.png)
it's been like this for a few weeks, probably time to get a new wallpaper
>>20019 tee i request that my assclap SS becomes your new wallpaper
>>20019 Lol tee I play armagetron advanced too
>>20022 in b4 1chan armagetron server
>>20023 omgyes
1380475688383.jpg–(879.25KB, 1921x1081, desktop2.jpg)
it's nothing special
1380605036867.png–(622.21KB, 1920x1080, nou.png)
1/2 Debian
1380605104976.png–(2.90MB, 1920x1080, k.png)
>>20273 2/2 Windows
>>20274 le bumb
1382921062963.png–(189.00KB, 1366x768, desktopppppp.png)
Zelda II for best game in existence.
1382921137174.jpg–(486.97KB, 1440x900, delicate black.jpg)
1382921211897.png–(1.63MB, 1280x1024, Screenshot from 2013-10-27 20:44:44.png)
Gnome-shell motherfuckers!
1382921246125.png–(1.15MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2013-10-27 17:28:23.png)
my desktop, not just the wallpaper
1383002165974.jpg–(279.87KB, 1280x1024, ss (2013-10-28 at 07.15.15).jpg)
nothing special
1383048017639.png–(1.49MB, 1920x1080, Desktop.png)
1383082391772.png–(1.08MB, 1280x800, Schermafbeelding 2013-10-29 om 22.32.08.png)
This is mine atm, but in need for a new Wallpaper.
1387170513203.png–(748.52KB, 1280x800, desktop.png)
I cleaned up my shit real nice tonight. Here is the best I can do on this piece of shit
1387184631279.jpg–(166.64KB, 1366x768, desktop.jpg)
It's real messy and I hardly use any of these icons any more This is on my laptop, not PC.
1387194074997.jpg–(115.46KB, 1279x1023, iMDkZxl.jpg)
why not
>>20018 nostalgia.jpg reminds me of when I was 12
>>20018 this looks like my grandma's shit.
1387208663137.png–(3.77MB, 3360x1080, 2013-12-16 07_43_09-Start.png)
1387464854923.png–(168.25KB, 1440x900, Screenshot from 2013-12-19 09:50:58.png)
I've been hungry for some sushis recently.
1388782759617.jpg–(392.68KB, 1360x768, ss (2014-01-03 at 12.57.20).jpg)
>>27757 Pretty nice, I like the theme you have running. 7/10
1388789803208.jpg–(189.14KB, 1440x900, dt.jpg)
Normally a Linux user but someone gave me a computer with Windows 8.1 on it and I have just stuck with it (mainly for games).
>>28970 Is it as shitty as I heard or it's decent?
>>28971 People always rage when new versions of Windows come out, like they're not ever supposed to update. It's actually pretty cool, it's just hard to get used to the start menu but after a week of use it's not bad at all. They fixed a quite a few things between versions 8 and 8.1 too. I still prefer Linux but it's not bad.
Posting from my phone. :) got it lookin rreal nice.
>>30924 Lol im silly
1390406220970.png–(0.97MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-01-22-10-43-53.png)
>>30925 Okay that's it I'm fucking stupid.
1390408497486.jpg–(60.97KB, 575x960, andr1.jpg)
1390408529431.jpg–(60.32KB, 576x960, andr2.jpg)
>>30926 you did it! what rom is it?
>>30950 it's cyanogenmod. and it has team win recovery on it. tee helped me through it the first time, i figured it out on my own today. basically i just fucked with it lol.
1390451166146.png–(333.02KB, 720x1280, phone.png)
This is what i have now. I'll be cool with this.
1390580693149.png–(766.23KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-01-24-11-22-45.png)
>>30980 Update: