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File: 1489031654803.jpg–(156.10KB, 1584x771, jfk_cia.jpeg) Tagged: Anonymous, Conspiracy, Russia, U.S.A., Technology



I have been heavily into what Wikileaks has called part one of the "Vault 7" leaks. Also referred to as "Year Zero."

There are many revelations that have been had since the drop of this leak, some of them include but are not limited to:

>The CIA turned every Windows PC in the world into spyware. Can activate backdoors on command, including via Windows Update

>The Embedded Devices Branch operation allows CIA to eavesdrop when the television is off, by flipping the television into a "fake-off" mode and then transmitting any audible data to CIA servers.

>A covert base in Frankfurt, Germany was focused primarily on creating memes and those weeaboo japanese style emoticons to use to infiltrate a wide array of networks without being detected as outsiders.

>The CIA's Remote Devices Branch's UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques 'stolen' from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

>The CIA has the technology to fully take over modern vehicles' driving systems and also the systems of airplanes. The details of why they have the technology isn't clear (my ass it isn't clear), but it has been suspected through more investigation that the deaths of Michael Hastings and Paul Walker, and also the assassination attempt in September. Also, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say at this point that the CIA/Mossad was directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks in an attempt to continue the globalist agenda.

>The CIA at one point stopped trying to hack into systems and instead inserted their own into large tech companies so they could just create the back doors themselves.

That's just a few of the revelations so far. What are some of your thoughts on this information? This is actually very exciting for me because at this point I feel as though I understand why the world is so cold, it's by design. I think once people start to open up to the idea that we have spent our entire lives being manipulated, we will finally take control again of our own lives and our own freedom.


Oh, and
>Cisco routers are likely to be sold as CIA spyware.


I just don't understand why this isn't getting more attention than it is. People are so distracted.


>People are so distracted
No shit they are. But I am seeing people waking up in troves. Look at America. Trump. Look at France. Le Pen. Look at The Netherlands. Geert Wilders.

I have come to the understanding that the best way to have a functioning society is to have the freedom to take pride in your own country without that being smeared into some sort of bigotry. It is quite clear to me that Islam is destroying the middle east, Europe, and North America right now. And maybe there are good muslims, I am not going to summarily dismiss that motion, I'm just saying that if Christians were doing this right now they'd be shut down. Bet.


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This just means it's past time for a socialist revolution

make some molotovs and burn the system down
