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Hello everyone, I have a thought...
So I have been watching The Blacklist, Black Mirror, and House of Cards on Netflix lately. At the same time, I have been actively investigating Pizzagate/Pedogate and here is what I have come up with.
Whoever the writers are for Netflix, they are trying to tell us something. I have, in my research, found 4 different situations that are strikingly similar or exactly the same as episodes of The Blacklist. Mostly regarding human trafficking or allocating illicit funds incognito.
Then, just last night, I watched V for Vendetta for the first time. Again, I found a lot of things to be strikingly similar to what we are facing today...particularly regarding censorship and fake news.
Any of you assburglars have other movies that make you feel the same way? Like it just explains EVERYTHING?
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I really wish someone would respond to my thread. This could be a fun discussion if you guys would just show up
I don't know what similarities you see between those shows you mentioned, but looking at how they made me feel I guess True Detective season 1 comes close.
I'd also suggest you watch The OA (is a Netflix original), it's not related to what you're asking but is still pretty damn good.
I was going to watch The OA, but I watched about half of the first episode and it was a little too bizarre for my liking. Stranger Things was, too, when I first started watching it. So I may end up giving it a chance again.
>I don't know what similarities you see between those shows you mentioned
Okay, so as an example, there was an episode of The Blacklist where they needed to catch this one guy but it had to be at this event. The event is like a celebration thing for this woman who runs a philanthropic organization to save people from human trafficking. At the end of the episode, or like in the next episode, you find out that SHE is also the one doing the trafficking.
This is almost directly what we have found to be happening...these organizations like The McCain Institute, Clinton Foundation (Specifically the Clinton Global Initiative), THORN, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, boy's schools, summer camps, church ministries, pizza joints, arcades...all found to be fronts for human trafficking.
I'm not going to say that the writers know all of this shit and are literally trying to get us to look at these subject, but I am going to say that it's a very odd coincidence.
Also, House of Cards is about the Clinton's I think.
Ah, okay I get it now.
As for The OA, you should definitely give it another chance. It may look a little boring in the beginning because the story unravels at a slow pace, but at the end there's this kind of twist that makes you doubt that you know what really is going on. I personally loved it.
Ah, those are fun. Rarely does a television show fool me, if that makes sense. But on rare occasion I am able to find a show that just slaps my dick back into my body and shoves my head in the toilet. Good times. Out of nowhere shit.