File: 1485123119407.jpg–(75.36KB, 653x595, 778.jpg) Tagged: Russia, U.S.A., Random, Stories
>be me, 19
>visiting family abroad in mother Russia
>staying in rural place with cabin, water, and woods. A lot of family is staying there
>me and my parents are watching the Olympics together
>im horny as sin because I hadn't had the chance to fap in 4 days
>I never got the chance to be alone because there were always people around. Remember I was traveling
>womens beach volley ball comes on. Athletic women bouncing around with a bikini and tight shorts
>I can’t take it anymore. I need to jerk off
>without saying anything go outside and start heading out into the woods alone
>I keep walking and walking because I'm paranoid someone will find me
>after 10 minutes decide I’m in a good place. Proceed to unzip pants
>I started wanking
>I soon relies this isn’t working. I had never fapped standing up and it just wasn’t going smoothly
>look behind me and see some leaves. Decide ill lay on the ground
>do this and it works. I almost immediately cum. It feels so good after not doing it for 4 days
>I’m about to get up and then I notice a stange smell
>I turn around and relise my entire fucking shirt is covered in deer shit
>I start panicking. I need to get home soon because we’re leaving to drive into the city to meet some people
>I also need to put this shit covered shirt with all my clean clothes
>I decide my master plan is to wash it off in the brook behind the cabin we are at and hope it doesn’t get to wet or smell bad
>I’m about to leave but then it hits me. I’m lost
>all of the trees in the forest look almost identical and there are no obvious land marks
>I panic even more. I calm myself down and decide ill just walk in every direction for 10 minutes until I find the right one
>if one direction doesn’t work I’ll go back and change my direction
>then plan works. After 2 tries and 30 minutes, I’m back home. I’m relieved even though I’m carrying a shirt covered in shit ill have to put in my bags
>I need to hurry since we need to leave for the city soon
>I get on my knees and stick the shirt in the brook hoping it will wash it out some
>I do this for 5 minutes and it isn’t working. It in fact made it worse since now the shirt is wet, even worse smelling, covered in algae, and still shit stained
>out of nowhere I look up and see my mom standing over me
>”What the hell anon where were you? We needed to leave 10 minutes ago.” Obviously pissed
>see her sniff and she looks down at my wet, smelly, algae covered, shit stained shirt
>I can see anger boiling up in her eyes. I’ve never seen her this mad or confused before
>she just quietly says “let’s go” and leaves
I ended up tossing the shirt in the water and we were 20 minutes late because of me.