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File: 1459340837403.png–(240.90KB, 550x550, 8bit face.png) Tagged: 1chan.us


guys I don't understand something:

Why is it that when someone has a problem, they run away from it?
I've noticed in today's 90's-2k kids, a lot of them are these scared children who run away at the slightest and most easiest things to get away from. Specially on the internet.

Good example is this:
I was at an old card shop and someone didn't want to talk to me cause they were scared the way I would respond to them. I found this out due to another friend being nice about it and letting me know. I finally walked up to him asked him what do and he tells me he's afraid of confrontation. I figured a god big of our users here are around the 20's I want to say, so what do guys? What made them into pussies? I was always taught to stand up for what I believe but instead I have kids running away and not wanting to make shit better? I'm confuzzled.



it's a mystery but I want to believe it has something to do with the internet turning people into social autists

exhibit a is my cousin who's almost done with his first year of secodary school, and his first year of unrestricted internet access. this kid has gone from top scorer in his football team to a slightly podgey, lazy, xbox-addict who is quick to anger online but will shy away when confronted by his mother IRL. all of this has happened since he's been staying up until 0000 playing call of duty rather than sleeping, and watching shitty youtube videos in school rather than socialising (and he was a very social person the preceding year)

obviously this is a single case so it may be an isolated incident or just a year-long phase he's going through (I mean, a good lot of us get awkward and lazy at that kind of age), but despite that I do think the internet and toxic online communities effect us negatively way more than we tend to believe

it could also be that the guy in your post is just an isolated social retard and I'm just trying to read to deep into this


I don't think you're wrong. I think you are right about the internet. Mainly cause its the way kids are now. I don't know a single person who says they aren't on the internet. More than likely, this is it.

Now, on the other hand, it could be the way he was raised by the internet. Maybe cause we, my people like you and I are on 4chan a lot see the world in a different light and we know how to counteract it vs anything else.

I think the biggest issue is that we isolate our selves in a room with electronics and we don't know how to communicate to another person. Not me but in general with teens


Old man Gez here. I wanna tell yall, back in my childhood, we played out side, if we didn't our parents beat us, when we played outside too long our parents beat us, when we fucked up or talked back our parents beat us. Pretty much our parents were encouraged to beat us as their parents had beat them. So it's not that you young fucks are pussies, it's that you've never had your asses beat by someone who loves you, you're still ignored the way we were, but now there's just no interaction what so ever, we put you in front of the fucking tv all your child hood, ply you with games and bullshit and try to be good parents when in reality we're just working fucks who have let MTV raise our children, and MTV doesn't even have music on it anymore, so if you wanna know what made yall into pussies, it's my fucking generation, being pussies cause they swore they'd never beat their kids the way our parents beat us.

Sorry we fucked yall up.


>its almost like there's a vast array of personalities in the world and that people aren't exactly like you


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I really think this too because when you think about it, some of my friends are raised to believe that confronting people is bad. Are they Italy? (also hetalia reference).

I find it pathetic that children are not taught to stand up, they wouldn't know what to do if they got stuck outside to fend for themselves.

That's alright. I like meeting people different and learning what makes them tick, what bothers me is that people act like it's fucked up to be different.


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Anyone who judges you for being different can fuck right off. Variety is the spice of life.


yea whatever captain liberal art major

you and the rest of the goon hoons can go enjoy tyron and muhummed down at the mosque while us normal white people shelter in our clean neighborhoods


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Why is it wrong for me not to be a sheep with everyone else? I'm so sorry that I don't "conform" to your ways. I'm sorry I'm different. Like some of you aren't here and there? At least I can say I want to be different. At least I can say I don't want to be like the rest of the world. Why is this a problem?
I see the world different. I see my life different. I don't want to be another random guy in an office doing the same job as the rest of the world. I want to be something here and mean something to the world if I can. I'm going to do the best I can to do this. Some people? No, they don't. They want to be another scared little worker bee following the queen around and her orders and never do anything.

What I will never understand is why people do not stand up for themselves at all any more. They are told it's bad and to not even try. You believe in something, it's ok, tell me. It's ok to talk to me. Don't be afraid of yourself. As long as you're not a dick about it, I don't mind. I can't stand people who are afraid of themselves or the world. I blame the internet culture.None of this is to be edgy either. I was taught that being different is good. So when someone says "You think different than us." I think to myself, Yeah I do. Why is that a problem? Explain to me why it's a problem?



>us normal white people
>white people

shut up creed we all know you're a '66 Corolla



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Is... Is that you?


I'm seeing so many pussies here. Lol do your thing Tarra and gezicht and shimazu also creed fuck off


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most everyone is agreeing I see.
