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What do you guys think about addiction?
The domino affect and or the "gateway drug" affect can work on anything. Anything can be a drug if abused. Literally anything. Something poisoning the mind in a way that you become reliant on it. For example, I can't sleep with out music or my ears start to ring, so now, I sleep with psychedelic music playing.
I think it's all how works, 1 think does not mean you're going to be addicted to something. I can smoke weed and be mellow and never give a shit about doing any other drug. It would be nice to get high from time to time, but I can't due to it being illegal. if it were not, do you think it would be ok more by standards? More people are afraid of getting in trouble and knowing what "right and wrong" because of standards put in place by people wanting to control everyone else.
So, looking at 1 thing, then you become interested in it, then the "Gateway drug" concept falls here. Or is it the Domino? Lets say you became addicted to finding lost media, or seeing how many websites on the deep web you can find, how do you think that works out with the 2 affects? Is it an addiction? And can these addictions be broken? Or are they just temporary relevance's from whatever? I think it might work as a "Gateway drug" affect because, over the years, I've played various card games, yugioh, pokemon, magic, bleach, FMA, L5R, Force of will. . . There might of been some others to try out, but never actually got into them. So what do you guys think?
exploring things that you're interested in =/= addiction
letting your interests run your life would be obsession, but i hate the word "addiction" to describe this
if you're lowkey about your drug use nobody really gives a shit about it socially, it's been that way for a long time with alcohol and smoking and whatnot. unless you're doing really heavy shit that's changing your ability to function, nobody else's standards matter
No (._. )
I thought about that too. I was thinking what is the biggest difference between the 2? Addiction and Obsession? Cause in a matter of speaking, your body or mind becomes addicted to coke or meth or heroin, it's an "addiction"
now, thinking this over, what's the difference to obsession if you need something so bad that isn't technically affecting your health, it's still unhealthy. Like a bad relationship you refuse to get out of cause you like the abuse, but wont admit to it of course.