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File: 1453018154263.png–(119.75KB, 1269x490, Screen Shot 2016-01-17 at 3.02.39 AM.png) Tagged: Internet, Video games


Okay, so if any of you were here around 2 years ago often...you may remember Pretend You're Xyzzy.

For those of you that aren't aware, PYZ is a game that is a mirror of Cards Against Humanity. Well, just like any online game, sometimes you play with a bunch of idiots. But sometimes you get with a group that thinks just the same way you do, and this happens. Love to all, please enjoy because this is both hilarious and true.


I would but it gets boring when everything even vaguely phallic is always picked as a winner, fuckdat


>Well, just like any online game, sometimes you play with a bunch of idiots.
>But sometimes you get with a group that thinks just the same way you do, and this happens.


if any one wants here:
why this link?
If any one wants to play, I'll make a game.

these are decks friends and i have made, along with /g/ and /co/


i can add any of them in (not /!/ that's a personal deck)
