File: 1452584172432.png–(237.73KB, 390x270, Lu3IuhP.png) Tagged: Drugs, Random
Well boys, its that time again. Crushing dankrupcy. Anyone else dankrupt? Come share your pain with me, and maybe post things related to marijuana.
>>43264 I don't smoke it, but you have my deepest sympathies.
I have felt and been dankrupt before. RIP anon
>>43264 And they say there's no such thing as weed addiction or dependancy
>>43265 >>43267 I'm addicted to the herbal jew.
>>43267 shut the fuck up assburglar you don't know anything about anything boi
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>>43264 i feel you bro, i've been dry for 2 weeks now
>>43270 Just picked up some Blue Dream. feels good man