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File: 1449010795215.gif–(265.52KB, 268x300, yorkieanim.gif) Tagged: Random, Request, Stories


>be me 18, complete autistic psycho should be locked up that still lives with parents
>constantly watching dog get more attention and love then lynx
>wanting to rid of dog but never alone with said dog
>mother and father cuddle dog constantly
>not sure if i should kill or spare dog
>need 1chan's advice

so 1chan what should i do?


Killing animals is a common sign of psychosis. Don't do it or you will unleash those demons


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no need to fear OP is here. i have had a strong dislike for animals since forever but now it is spiraling out of control. not sure if crazy or something. if i do kill the little squirt i would poison or sacrifice to 1chan.


if i kill the dog i need a plan.
What poison to use?
how shall i prove i did it?
where shall i upload before and after pics?


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If the dog was a bastard, I'd say go for it. However, you're just jealous of a dog. You, a human being, jealous of a lower life-form that has done nothing to you. It's not the dog's fault. Maybe you should talk to your parents. Or a psychiatrist.


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that is true. animals of all kinda are lower life forms then humans. i wouldn't call it jealous but then again what jealous person admits it, but i would consider it ridiculous since the dog provides nothing it just sits arounds and poops. i would prefer not take this to a psychiatrist since if i plan on going through with it i want it to be a clean kill.


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Sacrifice it to Zeus and Ares. Receive your blessings then go forth and tackle the Persian scourge like a true man of the phalanx!

Twice already, the Persians have threatened our lands, invaded our homes, killed our people. This time we will not wait for them. This time we will take our spears, we will take our honour, we will go to Persia and destroy them where they stand! We will come back with this shield, or upon it! The Persian jihad ends with us! By Zeus' beard and Ares' spear, we will do to them what they have tried to do to us! We will raze their homes, enslave their families, and execute their soldiers!



or we could just sacrifice it to 1chan.us for good luck and new members. kinda would be more useful. but i love the effort put into this post
