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File: 1448502894932.png–(386.99KB, 718x537, vlcsnap-2014-05-29-23h57m48s247.png) Tagged: Social


"Hey are you guys hiring?"
"Yeah! Do you need an application?"
"Here. Fill this out and come talk to the manager."
20 minutes later"I filled it out."
"Let me get the manager."

A. "Alright. So you're basically a clean slate I see. OK what are some of your feats?

"Nothing really. I have little to no exp and I need someone to give me a chance."

"If I gave you a job here, could I count on you to be here on time, dressed, cleaned up and ready to go? And you're over 18. That's good."

"Yes sir/ma'am"

"I'll give you a call. Is this a good number to reach you?"


B. I'm sorry, but we are not hiring at this time, however we will keep your application on file for the time being for the next 6 months if something comes up."


later on ..."Yes. I was wondering about my interview and how I did if there was anything I didn't do right..."

"No, you did great, it's your lack of exp with jobs. We need someone that has already gained the exp to do what we want."


"Sorry. Best of luck to you!"

OK so explain to me, how the hell I'm suppose to get fucking hired ANYWHERE if every god damn job is the same? If every god damn job wants B more than A? Why? WHY? I don't fucking get it."


1448542268489.jpg–(672.96KB, 2048x1368, 1405422741108.jpg)


Be savage

"You need me more than I need you. You think someone with experience is gonna come beckoning for your shitty $8 an hour job? You can either wait an eternity for that, or hire me now and within the month I'll have most of the 'experience' y'all are looking for. Like you need much experience to stack shelves and make coffee anyway."

(I don't reccommend this unless you can say it with full confidence and are prepared to get kicked out of the establishment quicker than you can say "here's my resume".)


Well that was a shitty interaction/interview. "Nothing really." What kind of answer is that?

Why didn't you actually list something? Also you didn't catch the contradiction.

"Hey are you guys hiring?"
"Yeah! Do you need an application?"

"I'm sorry, but we are not hiring at this time, however we will keep your application on file for the time being for the next 6 months if something comes up."


>Why didn't you actually list something?
this, it doesn't matter how small the feat is, you up-play everything as much as you can


I wouldn't have hired you either.



did you not see the B.? That was part B of it. It wasn't contradicting anything at all technically.

> list something
What do you mean?

And how would I get exp at all if no one will hire me?



Intern/Work Experience

And don't give bullshit that it's 'embarrassing for a 20-something to be an intern', people intern if they want experience and there's no other way no matter their age, you just have to be willing


in other words, go in, do shit for free and hope you get the job and they pay you right?



If you're a bitter self-entitled pessimist who would rather complain than get shit done to assist future-you, then yeah


What if I'm not self-entitled.........just like...entitled. I am a millenial, afterall.
